Friday 30 November 2012

Spicy and Salty Fried Noodles - Red Pepper Vs Black Bean

The containers of seasoning (Miso paste, Curry Paste, Red Pepper paste, and Black Bean paste) inside my fridge were nearing their expiry dates. So I've been trying to use them as often as I could during cooking of daily meals but not in large amounts.

Today I was in the mood to fry noodles so these pastes came in handy, I just had to choose two of them. Ignorant as I was, I thought that Red Pepper paste would churn out bright red fried noodles while Black Bean paste would get really black ones. If I wanted to get these colours, a whole lot of pastes had to be dumped in which would be unhealthy. In the end I just had to settle for the tastes instead of my "vision" ;(((

The verdict of my red and black fried noodles was, Interesting and Exciting!  The taste was superb when I combined both types together too. Give it a try with the sauces that you have. 
::.Almost anything is possible.::

Spicy Red Pepper Paste, Fried Noodles

Salty Black Bean Paste, Fried Noodles

The Ingredients and Steps

2 bunches Dried Noodles (cooked in hot water, washed thru tap/cold water, drained)
4 Fishballs / 1 Fishcakes (sliced thin)
4 Fresh Brown / White Mushrooms (sliced thin)
2 bunches Chinese Lettuce (washed clean, sliced into big pieces)
1 Egg (beaten well)
1 clove Garlic (minced)

1 tbsp Red Pepper Paste / Black Bean Paste (mixed with 2 tbsps water)

Frying Condiment 
2 tbsps Healthy Oil

1. Heat 0.5 tbsp Oil in pan using medium-low heat
2. Stir in minced Garlic till fragrant
3. Add Mushrooms and Fishballs to stir fry till cooked, pushed to side of pan keeping heat on
4. Add and heat 0.5 tbsp Oil to clean side of pan, pour beaten Egg there
5. Break up Egg to pieces when half cooked (about 15-20 secs)
6. Combine Mushrooms and Fishballs with Egg bits to stir fry for a while
7. Push ingredients to side of pan again, switch to medium heat
8. Add and heat 1 tbsp Oil to clean side of pan, add cooked noodles there
9. Drizzle Red Pepper / Black Pepper paste mixture over noodles, stir fry till coated well
10. Combine pan-side ingredients with noodles, stir fry to mix everything evenly
11. Turn off pan heat, add Chinese Lettuce and mix well into the noodles
12. Serve onto plates and have a filling meal!

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